started: 2020-03-03
last change: 2022-07-01
Job Market IT and Data Science
1. Idea2. Jobs per Keyword
3. Jobs per Keyword (freelancing only)
4. Disclaimer
1. Idea
I want to give an overview of the job vacancies in different areas of software development and/or data science technologies in Germany. All data presented belongs to Germany only.
The absolute numbers in the diagrams do not reflect the absolute numbers of available jobs, but their proportions to each other give a good estimate for the proportions of the job market sizes for different areas.
So don't make the mistake to derive from these diagrams that there are about 9500 Java jobs available in Germany. This would be grossly wrong, because the 9500 is simply the added number of jobs advertised on certain websites. The true number of jobs might be higher (because not all positions are listed on the websites that I chose) or the true number might be lower than 9500 (because individual jobs are counted more than once, because they are advertised on multiple websites, or advertised more than once even on the same website by different recruiters; the latter one is the case for almost all bigger job advertisement websites). Thus there are different effects which can distort the numbers in either direction and we don't know which effects are dominating, and by how much.
However, these effects distort all numbers in a proportional, very similar way. Therefor the proportions of these numbers in relation to each other remain about the same, so anything regarding the proportions can be derived. Examples for derivable facts are that there are about as many job vacancies for jobs which require skills in Python as there are which require C++ skills, but the Python and C++ vacancies together are still less than there are vacancies for Java developers.
2. Jobs per Keyword
As stated above: The absolute numbers of jobs in Fig. 1 cannot be used to derive absolute numbers of jobs available. However, the diagram gives a good estimate for the proportions of job markets for different technologies.
3. Jobs per Keyword (freelancing only)
As stated above: The absolute numbers of jobs in Fig. 2 cannot be used to derive absolute numbers of jobs available. However, the diagram gives a good estimate for the proportions of job markets for different technologies.
4. Disclaimer
The data presented on this page was generated using publicly available data from various job websites. Although I worked carefully and did my best to prepare valuable diagrams, the data might be incorrect due to various reasons, e.g. duplicate data from different websites, multiple offers of the same job by different recruiters, or mistakes by me in working with the data.
I'm not affiliated with any of the companies behind any of the technologies or programming languages mentioned on this page.